Jumaat, 7 Januari 2011

wedding! wedding!

today, 8th Jan -
i'll be home this evening. my big bro and spouse - for sure my sis-in-law lorh - will take me home with their black-cool-stylo myvi. not a maybe but must do 2nd-big-bro 'hiasan hantaran' before tomorrow morning. get to go early because of my big bro have another appointment for tomorrow.
sigh *** insyaAllah, we can do it!!

psstt: saje nak selit - hope that he can say something more than just 'like' !

tomorrow, 9th Jan -
must complete our target on 7 -must-cute-black-silver-things. go back to my beloved campus.

psstt: harap sempat @ abang boleh hantar terus ke bukit cherakah for our first event - Jalinan Mesra - Pemantapan Ukhwah =)

Monday,10th Jan -
nothing happen with the wedding. but my sis have to complete them to make them more beautiful. **hope that i can help her...but i can't. -sorry sis!
having my usual class - micro-P - please read-understand-study-jotnote - you have the book, rite?

Tuesday,11th Jan -
i guess, i can't be there with them. in addition - hekeleh ayat -, i have a vocabulary-mandarin-quiz that afternoon! **i'm so glad if there's someone that can be a hero or heroin for me that evening to bring me home. historic nite for my 2nd-big-bro @ 'sis-in-law the 2nd' birthday. going to Masjid - Lendu - for sure la untuk nikah! -
sedikit kenduri. -finish for that day-
psst~~ oh ya my bro n sis, SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU.
-semoga kekal kebahagiaan hingga ke syurga-kan cinta sampai ke syurga.moga diberkati Allah sepanjang masa duniawi ukhrawi. binalah dan kemudilah keluarga kamu ke arah yang benar dan lurus dan semoga mampu mendidik menjadi keluarga sakinah -

Wednesday,12th Jan-
still having my class.

Thusrday,13th Jan-
my family can rent a lorry or call towtruck-kiddin'only- or army to take out all the full of boxes. can sleep at Queen from this day. boil eggs o boil eggs ~~ ready to serve ya uncle omar ? preparation from Queen for the wedding.
psstt: owh ya, forget this important-event (insyaAllah) AGM-NETS,foods...~~hm....

Friday,14th Jan-
still be there. i hope i can get there as soon as possible to help my family and Queen's staff complete the task. sleep there maybe!
~~ where's my baju-kurung-lawa-maroon-purple!?! ~~

Saturday,15th Jan -
the reception wedding begin! Queen's H next to H.Jebat Stadium. **jom kite berlawa-makeup1-wat santek2 klah pngantin.hehe~~
what's my duty? overall la-bukan nak jadi penyambut tetamu je.fuhh, ditakdirkan mempunyai cuzzys laki yang ramai,mudah sket kerja. -
hopefully & pray that all this thing-event can be done fluently, okay ? no more kelamkabut-nakbuatAKUrasanaknaikhangindengankedengkiankamuharitu-danjanganmasatujugaksibuk2nakjumpaakuuntukhalyangtaksepatutnyapadahariyangsibukni,nakbuatkeje!-

all done-nyte-after finishin'everything,okay!
deal =)
psst~~no hadiah2 ok-adikbuatmacam2dahni-hehe..nanti upah buku ok :) kena baca tau.
-makepositivechange -

Sunday,16th Jan -
dah2, tak reti reti lagi ke nak balik shah alam balik.aiyak!! tugas selesai-misi insyaAllah selamat =)

1 ulasan:

  1. all done, meriah.
    tapi masalah kotak telur yg uncle omar bwk..haduih..xpa,still boleh dimaafkan.
    seronok jmpa all my sedara mara yg mampu dtg.
    n lastly, event pngntin pmpuan sndri makeup sy, rs cm tobat xmo pkai blu mata palsu lg pasni.haha
    -the end-
